The first Administrarive Board of the Foundation Dimitris and Maria Delivanis(2003)

Administrative Board The first Administrarive Board of the Foundation consists of well known members of our city and ex-students of the Delivanis couple. The latter accepted to put their prestige and their love for Thessaloniki at the service of the Foundation’s aims. They are the following: 1. Prof. Maria Negreponti Delivanis, ex rector and Professor at the University of Macedonia, Founder, in the position of lifetime president, 2. Prof. George Zotos, in his position of chair of the Economic Department of the Economic Library, in the position of vice-president, 3. Iordanis Kaiserlidis, economist - journalist, in the position of second vice-president, 4. Eleni Delivanis, economist, in the position of registrar, 5. Prof. George Hatzikonstantinou, University of Thrace, president of the Economic Department, in the position of secretary, 6. Stelios Papathemelis, ex minister and member of the Greek Parliament, in the position of member, 7. Nikos Efthimiades, industrialist, in the position of member, 8. Sarantis Orfanoudakis, as. professor at the Aristotelian University and lawyer, in the position of member, and legal advisor. Curriculum Vitaes The Founder Maria Negreponti-Delivanis was born and lived in Thessaloniki. Her decision concerning the founding and donation of the Foundation realizes her wish not only to honor her husband’s memory but also to promote his ethos, ideas and beliefs in fundamental human values. Dimitri I. Delivanis originates in the city of Kozani, lived the first years of his life in Athens and gave himself away to Thessaloniki, Northern Greece and the Department of Economics of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki. • The life of Dimitri I. Delivanis and to a great extent the life of the Founder, is told in the “Diary of Dimitri Delivanis-lets live again the 20th century”, Ianos publications, Thessaloniki 1998. The Foundation’s aims The Foundation starts out with the limited funds of the Founder’s donation as well as numerous and ambitious aims for its present and future. During this critical era of humanity, the Foundation aims at representing the voice of conscience of its birthplace, Thessaloniki and Northern Greece. A voice “for a 21st century without wars”, “for greater human solidarity”, “for a more just distribution of global wealth”, “for a greater participation of the earth’s population in the gifts of technical progress”, “for the minimization of hunger, crime, exploitation of children and humans in general”, “for the guarantee of human rights and freedom of choice”, “for the awakening of the average citizen’s interest in the community”, “for a new mundialisation with a human face”. Apart from the Founder’s contribution, these aims can only be achieved through the zeal of the members of the first Administrative Council and those to come, the support of the citizens of Northern Greece and the favorable coincidences of the 21st century. The Foundation has no political color The Foundation belongs to the category of welfare organizations. The means through which it realizes its aims are spiritual: scholarships, competitions for the realization of studies, conferences, congresses, publications, co-operations with corresponding organizations in Greece and abroad etc. Foundations of this kind do not exist in Thessaloniki or Northern Greece in general. However, there is a vast and valuable human capital in numerous fields, knowledgeable, sensitive and experienced which will be able to express itself freely as well as seek support through the Foundation’s aims. The Foundation is not after material support. Not because of its possession of rich material resources, which is not the case, but because its founder believes that, at this stage, its success mainly depends on the belief of its first collaborators in its aims, on the successful selection of its activities and on the degree of solidarity which might be achieved through the latter. It is hoped that with the help of all these immaterial but extremely valuable resources as well as the small material aid of the donation, the Foundation will successfully play the role foreseen by its founder and first collaborators. Therefore, what is hoped for is the wholehearted support of the people of Northern Greece and its Universities, for the inauguration and future of the Foundation. Contact points for the Foundation until the latter is fully organized are the following: e-mail:, Fax: 2310229977 and 2103613209 Emergency: 6944397345
The first Administrarive Board of the Foundation Dimitris and Maria Delivanis(2003) The first Administrarive Board of the Foundation Dimitris and Maria Delivanis(2003) Reviewed by Μαρία Νεγρεπόντη - Δελιβάνη on Ιανουαρίου 29, 2022 Rating: 5

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